Order, Disorder, Reorder.

Hello dear friends. It’s Friday night and I have drank too much coke so I can’t sleep. The fire is on, it’s too hot thanks to Tim over-enthusiastically piling too much wood in it and I am watching The Lost City because I’ve already seen it and didn’t want to watch something new.

It’s been one of those weeks that really dragged, you know, you wake up and think “It’s only Wednesday!!!”, despite having 2 client-free days. I honestly can’t remember what I did on Monday….maybe I baked some things? Oh, I did!!! Bread, chocolate wheaty biscuits(my all-time favourite) and I tried a new choc-chip cookie recipe. They were not good.

On Tuesday I watched my kids run the cross country before going to work. I am a VERY vocal cheer-er. I cheer for all the kids and love watching them do their best. Blake came 2nd and Sadie came 8th. They do not get their athletic ability from me.

On Wednesday I had to grab stuff for Tim’s machinery and happened to find aka Google some op-shops in an area I never go to. One of them was a freakin delight!!! It was filled with vintage knick knacks and bric-a-brac ( knick knacks and bric-a-brac are then same thing aren’ they?) and all clothes were $5. I tried on a heap of clothes there and walked away with a pair of jeans and a pair of pants. In another shop I found Nick Hornby’s Pitch Perfect. I had no idea that movie was based on a book until I watched it the other weekend (another re-watch) and noticed it in the credits. So I was pleased to see it on the shelves and nabbed it for $2.

Thursday after work I ended up at the doctor’s due to some ongoing chest pain. When I told my mum about she absolutely lost it and insisted I go straight to the doctor. I already had an appointment for next week but she was adamant I go NOW! My sister died in 2009 at age 27 from a heart attack and Mum had a heart attack a few years ago so I get why she was worried. I just thought it was severe heartburn. The ECG was fine and my blood pressure was fine. I’m waiting for blood test to come back and on Tuesday I am going for further PRECAUTIONARY heart test because of my family history. I am not worried but my mum is so I’m doing it for her. Plus, I listen to my doctor and when he says ” I think we should do these tests just to be sure” I am going to do the damn tests. And now I am also on another bloody medication to stop the chest pain.

This little medical thing has got me thinking about my health. Over the last 18 months, I have felt like I had my health in ORDER but now it is in DISORDER which means I have to REORDER it. SO.FUCKING.ANNOYING! I have enjoyed not thinking about my physical health. But now I have to think about it. Now I have to look at what I’m eating (and what I am not eating) and how that affects me. I have to look at how I am caring (and not caring) for my body and make some changes. I love it when my doctor asks ” have you been under any stress lately?” Mate, stress is a normal part of my life, so normal that I barely register it as stress anymore and just accept that this is how my life is. I guess this has to be REORDERED too.

The movie is almost over and I am still not tired. I know Brad Pitt is not a good guy but Jesus Christ he is very good-looking in this movie.

Tomorrow Sadie has netball and I love being a netball mum. Blake has moto on Sunday but I won’t be at this race, which sucks because I love being a moto mum. For a decade I was a footy mum and I loved that too. I really enjoy being a sports mum. I also enjoy it when the sports are not on and we all get a break.

My plans for the weekend are to make some food, read a book, do the laundry and watch Wayne’s World or Beetlejuice, two of my all-time favourite movies, with Sadie. She has become OBSESSED with the song Ballroom Blitz hence Wayne’s World and I really want her to come see the new Beetlejuice with me when it comes out, hence Beetlejuice.

Ok, I’m just chatting shit so I’m gonna go and try to go to sleep-it’s almost 11pm!!

How’s your week been and what’s on the cards for the weekend?

Talk soon xx

One thought on “Order, Disorder, Reorder.

  1. kattip says:

    gosh i hope all your heart stuff comes back good, but also you find a cure for the chest pain. it is scary.

    also good luck with the reordering of all your health stuff.

    I can’t believe doctors even ask midlife women with families and out of the home work if they’ve had any stress! like you i wouldn’t know what it feels like to not have stress.

    happy reading, baking, movie watching and netball mumming

    cheers Kate


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