What’s Working & What Isn’t

Hey friends! I read a quote on an insta pals story this week and it really hit home

I like it because it describes me to a T! I am always in one of those states and right now it is disorder moving into reorder.

So let’s start with what’s NOT working for me right now.

My brain. My brain has been jumpy and I want to blame hormones. I know that before my period and during it I have zero concentration and find it hard to focus on anything. And even though I am back on the pill, to help with hormonal migraines, and skipping my period, my brain still goes jumpy. I also think peri has something to answer for here too.

Some bad phone habits have crept back in so I’m refocusing on stuff that works. And I haven’t made time to journal because I don’t have the time alone ( see below) to do it so I am trying to refocus on that too.

My house. Having my son and his girlfriend here has turned my house a little chaotic. We no longer have empty rooms, I no longer have a room to myself ( a MAJOR privilege, I know) and there are always people in the house. Don’t get me wrong, they are great but having four adults and two tweens in the house just doesn’t work for me.

Breakfast. For whatever reason, no matter what I make for breakfast, which is usually a bran cereal or grainy toast with avo, goat cheese and tomato, does not fill me up. I am ALWAYS hungry by 9.30am. I need to figure this out because.

My job. I love my job and I am really good at it but lately, I am finding it draining in a way I never have before. My clients (female adults with autism) are fab and they truly get the best of me so that means my family get the dregs. And while having a job that is very routine works for me and my life, right now I am finding it a little hard to be enthusiastic about. Luckily there is a 4 day weekend on the horizon.

Finally, my new haircut. if you’ve seen me on my Instagram stories lately you will seen me spiralling over this haircut. It is EXACTLY what I asked for but as it turns out, it is not what I want! I had short hair for about a decade from the mid 90’s and while my hair is never long it has not been this short for some time. I do not like it. Below you can see all the ways I am playing with it to try and make it work. Send hats LOL

Ok. Let’s chat about what IS working for me.

My daily movement. After my Feb challenge, I decided to keep moving my body every day and so far I am still loving it. Some days I only do 15 minutes, others half an hour. This weekend I decided to go back to Yoga with Kassandra as I feel I’ve done everything I like on Move multiple times and needed a change.

This is the first time I can remember moving my body NOT to change how it looks but to change how it feels. I think I am going to do Kassandra’s flexible body, flexible mind challenge for the next 30 days as I’d really like to be able to swing my leg from a downward dog to a lunge without using my hands to move my leg.

Meal Planning is still making my life so much easier. AND! It’s saving me moving! I think we are wasting a heap less food too.

Melatonin. I started using this after my doctor said I needed to get my stress and sleep under control. As the stress factor is pretty much out of my control (do my kids not realise what they are doing to me!) he said I should get some melatonin to help with my disrupted sleep. And it works a treat! I still wake in the night but not as often and very rarely am I awake for longer than a few minutes now.

I buy mine from iHerb because my doctor suggested that’s how I get it, you do not need a script and it’s cheaper.

Lastly, the weather has become bearable. FINALLY! It’s still sitting around 30 degrees most days but there is a bit of a breeze, the mornings are cooler and so are the nights. We don’t need our fans on every night and can sleep with the windows open. To be honest, after months of relentless heat, these milder days are so very welcome. Now we just need some rain.

And that my friends, is how things are going for me. What about you, tell me what is and isn’t working. I like knowing I am not the only one cycling through these things. We all want to know we aren’t alone in the chaos of life don’t we?

Talk soon xx

2 thoughts on “What’s Working & What Isn’t

  1. kattip says:

    I like that quote a lot. It’s true we never stay in any place for too, sometimes longer than we’d like but eventually it will change, great when it’s a shitty stage, shitty when it’s a comfy stage. 

    I’m having some health flares so the phone and laptop scroll has spiralled to an unacceptable level. I’m actually bored with it all, so perhaps that is a positive outcome. I’m thinking of deleting insta because i seem unable to enforce my boundaries.

    It feels like autumn here, and I’m so onboard. My favourite season.

    I’m having trouble finding a book to get into, I’m feeling everything at the moment so can’t handle anything too suspensful or emotional. I have just started trying to use stitching as a form of meditation, 2 days in and finding it fun. I only spend about 30 mins roughly stitching a few bits of scrap fabric onto a backing square. I think the fact that i don’t have my phone, so not tempted and my hands are busy enough to stop my overthinking from kicking in. 

    I’m really bored with myself, i feel like I need a makeover, won’t be cutting my hair off though. I do always get like this at this time of the year,think I’m just sick of wearing the same clothes everyday. 

    take care


    1. bummer about the health flares. We are the same person. I am so bored with being online too. When I assess what I am engaging with it is actually just silly & I don’t need to know any of it. Do I like some of it? yes. But it doesn’t make my life better. And here goes the cycle again lol

      My April challenge is a granny square a day so I am looking forward to having something to do with my hands too.

      As for being bored with yourself, it’s never too late or too soon to make a change so do whatever it takes to get you out of the funk!

      Liked by 1 person

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